The multicultural, transgender paradise that is present-day Britain seems to be getting cold feet recently about its sacred mission to immeasurably enrich the lives of its citizens. This is a pity because without a full-frontal, 24-7 media blitzkrieg promoting every form of diversity and perversity, there is a real danger of progress slowing to a halt and reactionary tendencies setting in.
The problem seems to have started with the revelation that a certain segment of Britain’s tremulously vibrant society – essentially that hailing from countries blessed by the Koranic religion of peace and marrying one’s cousin – was engaged in breaking down fusty old racial and age barriers in “a context of communal sexual exploration,” or, in other words, “paedophile gang rape.”
Rather than welcoming this wonderful new strain of enrichment, the British state instead went into damage limitation mode, allowing such obvious hate crime terms as “sexual grooming,” “paedo gang,” and “someone called Mohammed” to be banded about by the less sophisticated elements of the media (e.g. the tabloids). Not only this, but the state has even gone so far as to prosecute the members of up to fifty Islamic gangs for acting in ways entirely in accord with their enrichening culture and unique religious vision, which, it should be remembered with deep pride, was the product of a forward thinking visionary who saw age as no barrier to love.
This retreat was especially disappointing as the British state has been extremely successful in promoting other aspects of its progressive agenda, like abortion, de-feminization (a.k.a. feminism), mass immigration, racial replacement, gay adoption, and gay marriage.
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Doctors attempting to cure a homosexual with electric shock treatment in the 1950s. |
Rather than retreating before the shallow, unthinking prejudices of the moronic masses with their reactionary and conservative morality, it is clearly the duty of the British state and its friends in the enlightened media and “chattering classes” to undertake a similar campaign on behalf of Muslim paedophile rape gangs. Here in several easy stages is how this worthwhile, progressive, and enrichening goal can be attained in the name of the great god Diversity.
1. Wordplay: A simple change of nomenclature. Instead of using terms loaded with negativity, like “paedophile,” “rape,” and “gang,” get the media to switch to more positive sounding terminology like “intercultural age-borderless love collectives” or “pre-pubescent sexual relay mentoring in a faith context.”
Back in the 60s, homosexuals, who were referred to as “shit stabbers” and “bum bandits,” and were routinely forced to commit suicide, were able to get the media to use progressively more positive-sounding words to describe them, such as “poofs,” “queers,” and “gays;” and now we have even entered a second stage where the terms referring to heterosexuals are undergoing a process of gradual degradation form “normal” to “straight,” a word that evokes rigidity and dullness, and more recently “cisgendered,” which sounds like a nasty medical condition. Perhaps in the future heterosexuals will be called piss-smearers, cunt bandits, or abortion fatherers.
2. Evoke Pity: Attitudes to Muslim paedophile gangs can also be changed by depicting them as innocent victims, thereby eliciting the legendary British sympathy for the plucky underdog. Admittedly, this is hard to do when Muslims are currently roaming the streets of Britain randomly hacking off people's heads, but hopefully a few examples of “innocent” members of “intercultural age-borderless love collectives” getting bruised or shouted at during their arrests can be played up by a compliant media.
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Peter Tatchell: cruisin' for a bruisin'. |
3. Make 'Em Laugh: The key to being loved by the British public, however, is comedy. The first stage of acceptance is when the public’s horrified revulsion is transformed into nervous tittering and then belly shaking laughter. From the 1950s to more recent times, homosexuals have been very successful at portraying themselves as endearing figures of fun, whether it was Kenneth Williams in the Carry On films or John Inman (geddit?) mincing around the shop floor of Grace Brothers in the popular 1970s sitcom Are You Being Served? with his inimitable catch phrase, “I’m freeee!” America has seen a similar but slightly less funny trajectory with characters like Jodie Dallas in Soap or Will Truman (geddit?) in Will & Grace.
A series of warm-hearted sit-coms in which members of paedophile Muslim rape gangs appeared as laughable characters would soon wean Joe Public off his urge to castrate and lynch them from the nearest lamp post. The classic joke meme conflating Islamic names with bestiality, as in “Mustapha Kamel,” could be amended to “Mustapha A-twelve-year-old-English-girl.” The ambiguity of the word “grooming” could also be the source of endless mirth as Mustapha gets arrested for grooming his 12-year old beard after he trips over it chasing an 11-year-old school girl.
4. Show the Sensitive Side: Once the public has replaced cold, burning hatred with mildly contemptuous laughter, paedophile Muslim rapists can then be introduced into popular soap operas and dramas as interesting and conflicted characters, who have drug, drinking, and emotional problems because they are forced to hide their sexual proclivities by driving around housing estates in cars with darkened windows and little bags of sweets and drugs.
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Eastenders: An interracial gay kiss. Two boxes ticked for the price of one. |
5. Not Freaks, Just Freakishly Talented: While Muslim paedophile rapists are surreptitiously normalized using sit-coms and soap operas, the media could also start spreading the idea that they are uniquely talented and artistic. A slow drip-feed of such propaganda worked wonders for gays, who have been portrayed as inspired designers, flamboyant hair stylists, and skillful actors. Attention was also brought to how neat and tidy they were, that is, when they weren’t actually involved in the one act that defines them, which is anything but neat and tidy.
This strategy poses some problems with Muslim paedophile rape gangs, as most of the members seem to be inbred semi-literate morons with a vile sense of hygiene, but to admit that would be to disregard the power of the mass media to shape public perceptions. Starting with similar unpromising material, they were able to convince the world that Blacks were inherently wise, magical, and non-violent beings who are more suited to be judges, incorruptible police chiefs, presidents, and even God himself, rather than toilet cleaners, drug dealers, and welfare recipients. After all, as Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler realized, the big lie, if repeated enough, will be readily believed by the masses – and those guys only had twelve years in power!
If these rules are followed, there is no reason why Muslim paedophile gang members cannot enjoy the same kind of elevated and almost saintly status that gays and Blacks now enjoy in Western societies. After all, today’s aberrations are tomorrow’s normalcy.
Colin Liddell
Western Spring
July 2013
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