One of the chief characteristics of modernity is a departure from traditional morality, but merely deviating from such morality does not mean the abnegation of that morality, which is founded on eternal truths. Rather it is a form of negative affirmation of that morality. Therefore we should not be surprised that such deviation creates a strong sense of moral inferiority among those who choose that path, and thus impels a desperate need to offset it and reset the moral balance.
This simple psychological equation can be used to explain much of what we see in Leftism and why the extreme Left tends to attract the viler kinds of human being.
Consider the case of Liam Ineson, a member of the so-called Unite Against Fascism (sic) organization who was jailed “indefinitely” in 2012 for raping a four-year-old girl.
In order to carry out such an act, Ineson would have had to have been an incredibly loathsome individual to start with. Why then was he a member of an organization like the UAF, whose deluded members, for the most part, see themselves engaged in a deeply moral crusade to oppose the “unspeakable evil” of Fascism that is apparently stalking the land in the guise of Nigel Farage or old ladies who aren’t quite comfortable with the new metropolitan consensus on gay marriage?
I am quite willing to believe that Ineson was sincere in both aspects of his personality. On the one hand he had a sincerely depraved desire to rape a four-year-old girl, but I suspect he was also entirely sincere in his chosen delusion that he was opposing “evil fascism” by not washing, turning up at poorly-attended demos, and committing petty acts of hooliganism. Moreover the one aspect of his persona probably fuelled the other in a forlorn attempt to achieve some kind of moral balance, proving once again that two wrongs certainly don’t make a right.
It is no coincidence that the kind of left-wing student activism that we see in organizations like the UAF – and many other Leftist organizations in the past (CND, the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-Apartheid movement, the anti-vivisectionist movement, etc.) emerged at the very moment that the old moral order was breaking down.
These movements were symbiotic with that moral breakdown and helped facilitate it.
It is also no coincidence that this kind of moral activism happens in the Oedipal phase of people’s lives, i.e. the little personal 1960s when people in their teens or early twenties, and still dependent on their parents, seek increasing “moral” independence. Part of this process often involves adopting sexual and substance lifestyles that go both against their parents and traditional morality.
What we see, therefore, on the macro scale in the 20th-century and on the micro scale in a particular period of individuals’ lives, is not moral abnegation but negative affirmation of pre-existing morality and a resultant sense of moral deficit.
In the 1960s, as the boomer generation rejected conventional morality, they simultaneously felt a sense of moral inferiority and had to find compensatory mechanisms. This explains much of the appeal of Leftist causes to this generation and to subsequent generations of errant youth.
To the Leftist causes already referred – the UAF, CND, Civil Rights, Anti-Apartheid, animal rights – others can be added: anti-War movements, environmentalism, Occupy Wall Street, feminism, gay rights, fair trade, gay marriage, gender deconstructionism, etc., etc.
Some of these have a degree of validity and some don’t, but the key characteristic that motivates people to support these causes is their ability to provide a strong moral pay-off.
At this point we come to an important crux, which is why are Leftist causes able to generate a stronger moral glow than Rightist ones?
The answer is actually quite simple. It is because the essence of morality is death, or to translate into less loaded language an absence of one’s self. Thus has it been, thus will it always be.
Rightist views by contrast, for the most part, partake of Life, being based typically on freedom (individualism), merit (another form of individualism), family, and nation, all things through which we can live and find ourselves.
As a nationalist I get a certain moral buzz out of sacrificing my own personal good and even family interests to serve the good of my people. This is the nearest I get to the glowing sense of moral righteousness that the typical Leftie routinely feels. But my lack of self is still on behalf of my people’s interests. Thus there is still quite a considerable sliver of selfishness and self interest.
The fact that I believe the interests of the planet, humanity in general, and intelligent life in our corner of the universe are tied up with the fate of my race, however, helps me to feel a greater moral buzz than if I were a mere Black nationalist or some Aborigine campaigning for more handouts from the Australian government.
The moral sense in its purest form has a death instinct about it. Think of Horatio at the bridge, Mucius Scaevola, the Christian martyrs, or the Japanese kamikaze pilots.
But even the petty sexual morality of the past had a little of this quality.
This self abnegation, which is the essence of the moral instinct, is something that runs deep in the White and some other races and seems in a certain sense to be an evolutionary adaptation that once served us well. But in the hands of the Left it has been perverted into a sever dysfunction.
The key characteristic of Left-wing causes, especially since the New Left of the 1960s, is their relative absence of direct self-interest and indeed negation of self interest. I would even go so far as to say that something like trade unionism, which was designed to help the poor and exploited to better their lot, was actually a right wing movement that accidentally got mixed up with leftism. In its modern form Leftism is essentially a nihilistic credo in a way that Buddhism can only dream about.
This is why Leftists will fret about cetaceans on the other side of the world, put the interests of Third World immigrants well above their own, and froth at the mouth for gay marriage when hardly any gays even want to get “married.” It may be a good thing to save large aquatic animals you may never see, but how many save-the-whalers remain indifferent to abuses closer at hand?
The fact is that the typical Leftist cause today has almost nothing to do with the interests of the typical leftist, except to provide a strong hit of misplaced, disembodied moralism.
But what kind of person most needs such a junkie rush of righteousness? Ironically it is the type that is most abandoned to his selfish and hedonistic impulses wherever these have lead him – teenage wankers, college kids into drugs, moral cowards in awe of their parents, confused homosexuals, or depraved perverts, like Ineson. This is a type that has been mass produced by modernity, a type that craves the pure rarefied moralism that flows out of pointless Left wing causes like open borders, ethnomasochism, and antifa. That is why the Left gives off that peculiar odour of self-abnegation mixed with utter selfishness.
Colin Liddell
Alternative Right
23rd May, 2014
This simple psychological equation can be used to explain much of what we see in Leftism and why the extreme Left tends to attract the viler kinds of human being.
Consider the case of Liam Ineson, a member of the so-called Unite Against Fascism (sic) organization who was jailed “indefinitely” in 2012 for raping a four-year-old girl.
In order to carry out such an act, Ineson would have had to have been an incredibly loathsome individual to start with. Why then was he a member of an organization like the UAF, whose deluded members, for the most part, see themselves engaged in a deeply moral crusade to oppose the “unspeakable evil” of Fascism that is apparently stalking the land in the guise of Nigel Farage or old ladies who aren’t quite comfortable with the new metropolitan consensus on gay marriage?
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Ineson until proven guilty. |
It is no coincidence that the kind of left-wing student activism that we see in organizations like the UAF – and many other Leftist organizations in the past (CND, the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-Apartheid movement, the anti-vivisectionist movement, etc.) emerged at the very moment that the old moral order was breaking down.
These movements were symbiotic with that moral breakdown and helped facilitate it.
It is also no coincidence that this kind of moral activism happens in the Oedipal phase of people’s lives, i.e. the little personal 1960s when people in their teens or early twenties, and still dependent on their parents, seek increasing “moral” independence. Part of this process often involves adopting sexual and substance lifestyles that go both against their parents and traditional morality.
What we see, therefore, on the macro scale in the 20th-century and on the micro scale in a particular period of individuals’ lives, is not moral abnegation but negative affirmation of pre-existing morality and a resultant sense of moral deficit.
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To be this disgusting you need a potent countervailing morality. |
Some of these have a degree of validity and some don’t, but the key characteristic that motivates people to support these causes is their ability to provide a strong moral pay-off.
At this point we come to an important crux, which is why are Leftist causes able to generate a stronger moral glow than Rightist ones?
The answer is actually quite simple. It is because the essence of morality is death, or to translate into less loaded language an absence of one’s self. Thus has it been, thus will it always be.
Rightist views by contrast, for the most part, partake of Life, being based typically on freedom (individualism), merit (another form of individualism), family, and nation, all things through which we can live and find ourselves.
As a nationalist I get a certain moral buzz out of sacrificing my own personal good and even family interests to serve the good of my people. This is the nearest I get to the glowing sense of moral righteousness that the typical Leftie routinely feels. But my lack of self is still on behalf of my people’s interests. Thus there is still quite a considerable sliver of selfishness and self interest.
The fact that I believe the interests of the planet, humanity in general, and intelligent life in our corner of the universe are tied up with the fate of my race, however, helps me to feel a greater moral buzz than if I were a mere Black nationalist or some Aborigine campaigning for more handouts from the Australian government.
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Gaius Mucius Scaevola and Lars Porsena. |
But even the petty sexual morality of the past had a little of this quality.
This self abnegation, which is the essence of the moral instinct, is something that runs deep in the White and some other races and seems in a certain sense to be an evolutionary adaptation that once served us well. But in the hands of the Left it has been perverted into a sever dysfunction.
The key characteristic of Left-wing causes, especially since the New Left of the 1960s, is their relative absence of direct self-interest and indeed negation of self interest. I would even go so far as to say that something like trade unionism, which was designed to help the poor and exploited to better their lot, was actually a right wing movement that accidentally got mixed up with leftism. In its modern form Leftism is essentially a nihilistic credo in a way that Buddhism can only dream about.
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What egged this man on to attack Nigel Farage? |
But what kind of person most needs such a junkie rush of righteousness? Ironically it is the type that is most abandoned to his selfish and hedonistic impulses wherever these have lead him – teenage wankers, college kids into drugs, moral cowards in awe of their parents, confused homosexuals, or depraved perverts, like Ineson. This is a type that has been mass produced by modernity, a type that craves the pure rarefied moralism that flows out of pointless Left wing causes like open borders, ethnomasochism, and antifa. That is why the Left gives off that peculiar odour of self-abnegation mixed with utter selfishness.
Colin Liddell
Alternative Right
23rd May, 2014
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